Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Sunday Morning Filled With Promising Signs

I'll get right to the good stuff and then get back to the more mundane stuff. Katie's white blood cell count is now up to 530 and her ANC is now up to 20 fom zero! That's the good news, and the rest is pretty much the same as it has been.

Katie slept well last night and she still has a cough, and now also has the sniffles and her left eye has begun to weep. She is still not eating, but she is drinking plenty of milk and water. She is still on her TPN and lipids. I may have forgotten to mention the lipids the other day, but the TPN provides all of the nutrients her body needs but it provides none of the fats. The lipids provide that little extra fat that she needs to continue being a healthy, growing girl.

The hemoglobin transfusion last night really helped to boost her energy and she has been moving about in her room ever since. She did still have a fever last night and she has one again this morning, but it's a low grade fever of 37.8 C. If it reaches 38 C, she will get some Tylenol.

Josh and I are headed out to his Nana's house for a pancake breakfast. Then will are going to try to get in a little bit of fishing before coming home. He even wants to try and talk his Nana into going fishing with us. We'll just have to see how that turns out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I have had a busy day. And I guess you and Josh have also. Poor Amy & Katie. But it will all be worth it. It is just such a struggle.
My plans are going well for you all. I started early because I am so slow.
I hope by then Katie will be able to be there.
Give Katie and Josh and Hugs for me.
Lots of Love and Blessings to you all