Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Heading to Burlington

Katie and I are heading to Burlington tomorrow for a blood transfusion. The doctors are not surprised that her counts have dropped. This is part of the plan. We knew it was coming. It just won't necessarily be fun. A transfusion takes several hours, and doctors will have to access her port. Doctors want to sneak us in for blood products before her symptoms are worse. She has a headache but is still relatively active. There may be another storm coming, though, so we were happy to learn that there is room in the infusion bay for our little pest, who is currently talking to Dora.

I splurged this week. I treated Katie to some new Dora dvds the other day, and she is hooked on Dora's Pirate Adventures: "If there's a place you need to get, I can get you there I bet. I'm the map." Thanks to Nana, who has loaned us her portable dvd player. The drive to Burlington is much shorter with Dora chattering happily in the back seat. We will pack up all our snacks and stories and head west early tomorrow morning. We're hoping to be home in time for dinner. Thanks to Barb and to Jack for the playdate--now Josh has something to look forward to as well!

Please don't worry. Transfusions are pretty standard practice for us by now. We'll let you know how it goes, but I expect that Katie will feel better when we return and not worse--always a good thing.


Kinsley said...

You guys are looking rather aerodynamic. But it looks good on you. Miss ya.

Anonymous said...

I hope all went well today. What a wonderful looking family. The first day back for a full day was good little tired. I'm tuff. did the shirts fit? love you Auntie Michelle