Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Everything is fine

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I went sledding with Josh again last night after the sun went down and the snow froze solid again and we got home well after his bed time. I fell asleep putting Katie to sleep. Amy fell asleep even sooner. We simply ran out of time to post to the blog. I'm posting now during the last part of a study hall, but Either Amy or I will post a new update this evening from home. Just a hint of good news first... Katie's ANC is up over 1500 as of last night's blood test.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Wow the sledding sounds amazing! Our family (minus me and baby who have been rocking out the couch duty... ugh) has been going wild about rollerblading-hockey over the past week. Eric got some for Easter and has been loving them. Kyler doesn't skate but just uses a hockey stick and plays along. I think he's found this can be advantage for him!
Glad to hear about the ANC, that is great. Will try to give you a call later- if I don't get through, be sure to let us know what your plans are for tomorrow.
Tell the kids we all say hello.
Love, Auntie Heather