Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Feeling Better After Blood

As Katie got her transfusion today, the life came back into her. She had been lying in bed wanting to do nothing but watch tv. She didn't even want to sit up straight. After the blood had been flowing for about 20 minutes, she was standing on my lap, bouncing around making me work to keep her safe. Her foot seems to be feeling better. She didn't complain of any pain while she was standing and didn't seem to prefer one foot over the other. Her legs were a little weak though and they were shaking with the effort to play.

Her appetite was pretty good too. She ate breakfast and lunch well and treated dinner as an extended snack opportunity. I wish things all the food that is going in would start to come out the other end soon. She hasn't had a bowel movement since Sunday and things are getting a little desparate on that end.

Josh had another good day playing with his cousin. I think I'll take him over to visit his grandparents tomorrow and give my brother and sister-in-law a break from us for a while. Besides, Josh's grandparents have seen him for a total of about 15 minutes so far this week and we have been in Burlington since Monday night.

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