Monday, January 28, 2008

Sunday Night

We had a long day, full of mood swings, and tantrums. On the bright side she had much more energy today than she did yesterday. She just didn't always direct it in a positive manner. We never did make it to the Pick & Shovel. We took our walk down to the river and Katie fell asleep during the walk. She woke up again when we got home, but then didn't want to go anywhere so we settled in for a day at home.

Josh had spent the weekend with my parents so he could visit and play with his cousin Kyler. He returned home just before 2pm and we made plans to go sliding. I took him to the big hill near the I-91 exits in Barton and we slid for a couple of hours. He loved it and we had a lot of fun. He should sleep well tonight. He climbed the entire hill all by himself every time. For those of you who don't know of the hill, it is huge and the climb to the top takes from 10 to 15 minutes.


Falconers/Mahews said...

Good morning to all. Just writing to let you all know Josh's blanket will be done today. I'll bring it to Aunt Jean so they can bring it to Josh. I bet Josh slept great last night. I don't think I could even walk up that hii (mountain) once. Hope Katie has a great day today. If you guys need anything please let me know. We are all praying for you little Katie. Be strong. God bless you all. Rhonda

Anonymous said...

Hey Richard- just turning on the morning annoncements- they seem to be holding their own Did not know that Katie was starting to lose her hair already. Also glad you and Josh got out- what a great idea to go sledding- have never done that hill- though I see all the cars there. Hope Katie has a better day than Amy is anticipating. Cindy

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys
I'm so sorry to hear what is going on if there is anything that i can do just let me know.


Anonymous said...

hi all
I hope your day is going well love you.

Aunt Michelle

Anonymous said...

... and what are doing up at 12:47? I hope it wasn't because Katie was having trouble sleeping. Was good to see you and Josh for a minute last night. I love how he invites everyone for dinner at his house and come to play with him. He is fine and will be because of the wonderful family he has and the love he knows is always there.
Until now I didn't have an appreciation for what my parents felt when Mike and Sean were born and had problems. My heart aches to know what you are all dealing with and that it won't be a quick fix ... and I can't do anything to make it better. I think that's what hurts parents the most ... is that we can't make it go away. You all may not be my biological family, but certainly my family of my heart. I love you all dearly and will do anything you need at any so many others...just let me/us know.
I can relate to your not having Katie see you crying, I felt the same way 23 and 25 years ago...only positive feelings around our babies and take the moments you can for your do need them.
Whew...I'm as bad here as on the answering machine.
I love you