Monday, January 28, 2008

24 hours of Tantrums

I'm sorry that so much of the day has gone by without a blog entry, but what a day it has been. Katie has had a very cranky day that started at 6:30 this morning and hasn't stopped yet. Amy is upstairs right now trying to get her to lie down and go to sleep. She has thrown too many tantrums to count today.

On top of that, her brother has had 4 tantrums in the last 24 hours as well.

Wait... Amy is calling for me.
Ok, I'm back. Katie just vomited in bed and we had to do a little clean up. This is the first time that she has vomited since the beginning of this ordeal, but I'm not sure if it is because her stomach is upset or because she gagged on the medicine. She was in the process of taking one of her medications that comes in pill form and is reported to taste just aweful. The pills are small and she has to take three of them. We used to mash them up into some Popsicle slushy but then she started just picking out the meds and eating them. Now she just eats them alone. Apparently she vomited after already having eaten two of them. After we got her all cleaned up, she looked around, found the third one sitting on the shelf, picked it up and ate it too; telling me the her "medicine is all gone Daddy".

It has just been such a long day. I can't wait to crawl into bed. But first, I have to do some laundry.


Miller's said...

Well guys i am so sorry to hear you have had a very trying day! And to top it all off its a MOnday to boot!! Well take a big breath and do your laundry then run to bed and snuggle right in and hope everyone sleeps good tonight. I am sorry it has been a trying day, hopefully tomorrow will bring new light to you all. Sleep well and take care..

Anonymous said...

Hi all
Sorry Katie isnt feeling well. She is in my heart and thoughts daily. I bring a computer around school so if I can get a minute I will see how she is doing. Justin and Mikeys girlfriend will be on the radio for Katie. It is on 92 moo. Well I have recess duty so all for now love you all. Give Josh and Katie hugs and kisses from aunt Michelle and uncle Kim. Love Aunt Michelle