Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Sleepy Morning

Amy has been writing the blog entries for days and now it is my turn. After Katie's 4am night the night before and her trip to the hospital last night, she is quietly recuperating in her bed right now, still soundly asleep. It is 9:45am.

I woke her up a couple of times during the night to check her temperature and change her diaper, but she fell back to sleep very quickly each time. The most recent temperature check was a lovely 97.7 degrees which is very close to normal for her.

She hasn't had any Tylenol since 5am and will not get any more for the rest of the day. Fletcher Allen called a little while ago to check on her and to tell me not to give her any more Tylenol. The doctors want to see how her body is responding this morning without the intervention of any drugs that would suppress a rise in temperature.

When one of my children sleeps this long, I start to get worried. I sneak into the room and watch their chests rise and fall to make sure they are breathing. I gently touch a forehead to check for fever. And when I can't take it any more, I sometimes even wake them up a little just to check their level of coherence. I am not worried about Katie yet because she was very aware of her surroundings when I last woke her up to take her temperature. She told me that she wanted to go back to sleep and she rolled her head so I could check her temperature in both ears. She then grabbed her blanket, snuggled in and closed her eyes tight. I quietly left the room--happy to see her resting peacefully.


Jen Bailey said...

Hi. So glad to hear Katie has come through yet another bump in the road. Fevers can be so pesky sometimes and I'm sure it makes things even tougher with Katie. Glad to hear she is slowly making progress. She truly is a shining light to everyones eyes. Her courage and strength are amazing. I'm thinking of you guys.

Jen Bailey

Miller's said...

Sorry to hear that Katie has had a little bump in the road. SO glad to hear she is feeling better. Good Luck and Take Care!!

Anonymous said...

My son came home from school today to tell me the story about your little girl.Sorry to hear she has had a little bump in the road. so glad to her that she is feeling better.God bless you and your family we will keep your family in our prayers.