Thursday, February 14, 2008

Quick Update

Here's the plan, folks:

Josh will go to school Friday per usual, and he will thoroughly enjoy skiing in all our new snow. We will drop him off on our way to Burlington, and Nana will pick him up at the end of the day for an overnight at her house. Joshua loves sleepovers!

Rick and I will take Katie to Burlington together--a rare opportunity for us to spend time together. This will be, I'm sorry to say, a hungry day, and Katie is not likely to be happy about this wrinkle in her all-day bingefest plans. We need to be in Burlington by 10:30, but her actual surgery begins at 12:30. This probably won't be much fun for Miss Katie either, but she will officially be done with the induction process, and the port they will give her tomorrow should make life so much easier. Katie has just one more dose of steroids to take this evening before a hiatus from the madness. We all look forward to putting steroids behind us for a time. Assuming that Kate's pain is manageable, we will return to Barton for a quiet celebration of Katie's progress through this adventure. Josh will go to basketball in the morning, and life will continue as normally as is possible at this time.

We may not have time or opportunity to write tomorrow, but we will share any information we receive when it comes in. The doctors will do a bone marrow aspiration and a lumbar puncture. They continue to look for leukemia cells in Katie's marrow and in the cerebrospinal fluid. They will also search for Minimal Residual Disease. Basically, they will look for damaged chromosomes again and work to confirm that Katie's leukemia is in remission. Keep your fingers crossed. It is absolutely amazing what the human body can withstand. It is absolutely amazing what doctors can do to support the body's efforts. We are grateful both for the miracle of modern medicine and for the miracle of Katie, who continues to waddle through her days with a cranky je ne sais quoi. What a character!

Happy Valentine's Day to my little family and to yours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentines day from our family to yours.I hope all goes well with Katie in the morning. As always we are praying and thinking of you. Love Uncle Kim and Aunt Michelle