Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sorry For Skipping a Day

Alas, my days are often filled to overflowing with a long list of things I have to do. Some days, by the time I get to the end of the list, I have forgotten what was on the list in the first place. Yesterday's blog entry was one of those list items that I kept trying to find time for, and finally forgot about. Happily, there were no earth shattering bad reports to deliver or questionable test results to worry about. Katie had a fine day hanging out at home with Grandpa and Grandma Kelley. They are covering for Amy and I this week while we go to school for the first three days of the week. Thursday and Friday, Katie and I will be at Fletcher Allen for her next bone marrow extraction, lumbar puncture and chemotherapy.

Today was similar to yesterday for Katie. She stayed home with my parents and had kind of a lazy day. She didn't feel like doing much walking or swinging in the back yard, but she played quietly in the house, got a stroller tour of the neighborhood, got in a nap and worked a little with her physical therapist. I can't say the physical therapy is going all that well because Katie simply doesn't want to cooperate. She is still not interested in walking for the sake of walking and doesn't want to "play" with the therapist. However, on her own or with Amy and I, she will walk when its convenient, fun and safe. Her walking still bothers us, but it is getting better. She is more confident and more willing to take short walks (approximately 3ft) without prompting.

Both children and both parents for that matter are showing signs of being tired so the focus this evening is on an early bedtime for all. The kids are winding down with a movie right now, and as soon as I'm done writing, I will be reading them stories as they lie in bed and hopefully fall asleep quickly. Josh gets grumpy when he is tired and Katie just slows down and wants to stare off into space. A long night of sleep will do them good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I am a little behind. I have been working everyday. But I thought that was no excuse. I guess you had a very nice weekend. Quiet and cozy. I am so happy to hear all the good things you have to say. Now you have made me tired. I hope you all have many more good days.
Love to all.