Monday, May 19, 2008


Those of you who know Katie well will understand why I have dedicated an entire blog entry to the subject of her blankie. Beverly Herrick, who will always be my Auntie, made Katie a blanket when she was still very small, and this blankie has been Katie's best friend ever since. Katie rubs blankie fibers across her lips when soothing herself. She wraps herself in blankie as she sleeps. We don't go anywhere without this blanket. It is her greatest source of comfort and solace.

The kind people at Fletcher Allen understand how serious Katie is about this blanket. It is typically dirty, and sometimes it smells because Katie does not part with it easily on laundry day, but they respect the deep and abiding love of girl and blanket. Despite the grime, they allow Katie to take blankie along when she is sedated for a procedure; it may be the least sterile item in the room, but my little friend Linus always needs it, so the doctors take blankie along when they have to sedate Katie, and they wrap her in it before she wakes up.

This, for those of you who don't know Katie well, is enough to preface a great discovery: When we reached my parents' house today, we learned that Auntie has made Katie a new blankie just in case tragedy ever befalls the original. Auntie chose the same yarn for Blankie II and she same loose weave pattern that Katie likes; Katie can put her fingers through the holes and cuddle right in. What an amazing gift! Katie was very happy to meet this new blankie, although she continued to drag the original all over Chittenden county today. The difference between the two blankets is astounding. I had forgotten what the original blanket looked like before it weathered three years of continuous abuse. It may take her time to warm up to Blankie II, but I have a feeling that they will be fast friends soon. I am so grateful. I have often wondered what would happen if anything ever happened to blankie. I can easily imagine Blankie II making the trip to pre-K. It isn't hard to picture Katie all wrapped up in it, napping peacefully on her cot. Thank you, Auntie, for knowing. You have given her such great joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi all, I have to meet this little angel some one of these days. I think her and all of you often.
Katie sounds like she is full of love. I want some of it.
Rick give me a call soon if you can.
Lots of Love and more special day are coming