Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Quick Update

I will post more information later in the day, but for now, I only have time for a short update. Katie is really cranky right now and Amy is struggling with her bad attitude. She is complaining vehemently about her stomach hurting and about being nauseous. But, things are actually looking up.

She ate a little food this morning, which is more than she has been doing for a couple of days. She also left her room for the first time. Amy carried her and walked down the hall with the IV pole in tow as they headed for the bikes that Katie had professed interest in. However, when they got there, she didn't want to actually get down and sit on a bike. The thought of riding was very interesting to her, but actually doing it is still beyond her abilities right now. Maybe later.

Her other stats have improved a little, but most importantly her ANC has started to rise. It is still in the 200's so it hasn't risen much, but it's a beginning and that is a very good sign.

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