Sunday, July 27, 2008

On The Rise

Katie's ANC is on the rise still. It is now up to a whopping 280 and climbing. She is feeling good after a solid night of sleep and has been able to get out to spend a little time in the play room. Her temperature, blood pressure and heart rate are all stable. Hopefully, the doctors will take out her IV today so that she gets back into a normal eating habit again. That was the only cranky period this morning - breakfast. She woke up in a beautiful mood, but became belligerent and difficult to deal with when breakfast was put in front of her. She still has some concerns about her stomach even though there is nothing physically wrong with it. She has learned to resist food. After a bit of a battle that lasted long enough to have to reheat her breakfast, she did eat. So far this morning, we have only dealt with the nurses. The doctor should be in soon and we can ask him about the IV.

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