Sunday, June 22, 2008

Lazy Sunday

We stayed out later than we should have last night and we all slept in and then just lounged around all day. It proved to be to difficult to leave the benefit dance at the kids' usual bed time of 8pm so we never got home last night until around 10:30. That was enough to tire the kids out, but for some reason Amy and I were both wired and found it difficult to sleep. We made up for it today by not leaving the house except to drive five miles up the hill to let Nana cook us dinner. In fact we are still at Nana's house right now, and the kids are all tucked in for the night. We are taking advantage of the summer vacation and not having to be at work on Monday morning so we are spending the night here. Josh is quite happy and Katie is a little leery of the situation. She doesn't sleep any place but home except for when she is at the hospital. In her two short years of life, she has spent the night away from home a maximum of five times and always with a parent. So she was pretty set on going home this evening. But when she was finally sure that both of her parents were staying too, she agreed to stay and climbed into bed.

Our good luck and her good health continue to hold out. She had a great day today with never a moment of sickness. We are counting on more of the same tomorrow as we try to take a trip to the Montshire museum. If I can remember to bring my camera, I'll post pictures tomorrow.

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