Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Check Up And The Echo Center

So we still haven't made it to the Montshire museum even though we have had a couple of pretty nice days in a row. Amy volunteered to spend all of Tuesday helping to paint the new library at St. Paul's elementary school. While she was painting, Josh and Katie and I took some time to fly a rocket and play around the house. We had fun and just did whatever came to mind but we never went too far from home.

Yesterday, Katie had to go back down to Fletcher Allen for a check up. She didn't get any chemotherapy or any medication of any kind. In fact, she didn't even get her blood tested because her counts had been so good last time. The doctors just wanted to see her and interact with her just to be sure that things were going well during this little break from treatment. They were not disappointed. Katie was a very active two-year-old yesterday. She was running and playing and singing - even at the hospital. She sung "You are my sunshine" and the ABC song for everyone in the infusion bay. On top of that she has consistently gained weight over the last two visits. She has gone from 22.3 pounds a couple of weeks ago to 24.2 pounds yesterday. She is feeling good and acting strong and healthy.

We also had another task to accomplish while we were in the Burlington area. Amy was part of a teacher peer review panel that was charged with either granting or denying a teaching license to a prospective educator and that panel met yesterday afternoon in South Burlington. So after Katie's visit to Fletcher Allen, we went to Art and Kathy's house for lunch and then Amy went to her meeting and the rest of us all went to the Echo Center for the afternoon. The Echo Center is a fun, local attraction that the kids always have fun going to and yesterday was no different. Katie and Josh both enjoyed themselves tremendously as the explored all of the activities available at the center.

Today is another beautiful day so far, but as of right now I am stuck inside working at the computer. Hopefully I can't get enough work done to get out of the house with the kids shortly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelley Family
Nana,I also loved the look on little Katie's face. It was worth it all for just her pleasure. Quite a little dancer. And Josh had a pretty good time also.
So happy to hear the good news about Katie. On the mend again for sure. I am so happy. Prayers do work!!!!!!!!!! I am as usual very tired so I will sign off now.
Love to all