Saturday, January 10, 2009

A Face Full of Sores and A Swim Suit in January


This is Katie as she was playing around the house this evening. Prior to the beach look, she was wearing a princess outfit, but then she declared that she was going to the beach. The next thing I knew, she was parading around the room in her swim suit, grass skirt, sunglasses and hat. The photo op. was too good to pass up.

The sores in her mouth and on her face are about the same today as they were yesterday. She isn't complaining about pain, and she is eating well, but she isn't happy with the creams and ointments that we have been using on the sores. Nothing seems to be helping much any more. We are just waiting it out at this point.

Katie is willing to soak her chapped lips with a warm washcloth, a strategy we are using to encourage the health of her skin, but it is hard to pin her down long enough to make her use the washcloth strategy. She is simply too busy. She watches less television each day. We take this as a good sign that she is feeling well despite all the ugly sores. She is the arts and crafts queen lately--painting and beading were two of her favorite activities today--and she likes to "write." She records her observations in small notebooks, and she uses my laptop. She tells me that I cannot interrupt her while she is working on her "projects." She is actually learning to recognize some letters, and I am thrilled, but it is her attitude as she works on these projects that I really like. She is so determined to do what her brother can do. She wants to be an adult NOW. She is so eager to learn. She will be a great student some day if she can avoid driving her teachers crazy. I'm simply happy to note that she has more energy today than yesterday and that she is growing up quickly in her own quirky way.
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1 comment:

PleaseRecycle said...

Just a note, since the infection/sores seem to be a bit mysterious...

Mollie was hospitalized for a skin infection (and low, low ANC) that started out looking like a little red pimple and then turned in to a larger sore and ruptured. They had her on vancomycin for a few days but it didn't really start to clear up until she was put on clindamycin. Warm, moist compresses really helped as well.

Poor little Katie- at least she looks like she's having fun!

Sarah (