Friday, January 9, 2009

End of the Week Information

There are fewer posts on here than I expected to see. I thought Amy had been updating the blog for the last couple of days but I see that wasn't the case. I apologize for the lapse.

Wednesday was a snow day for us. The whole family got to stay home from school and we spent some quality time at home relaxing. Katie was feeling good and was being playful.

Thursday, Amy and Katie went to Fletcher Allen for a follow-up appointment after last week's adventure. The blood tests revealed that Katie's ANC is still low, very low. Her ANC now rests at a whopping 40. Neutrophils that have in the past made up more than 40% of her white blood cells are now only 2% of her white blood cells.

The infection that manifested as a single sore inside Katie's mouth has spread. She now has several sores on her lips and what looks like several more sores developing on her face. At first they just look red and round - like small incidents of acne. But one on her chin has opened up and is now looking more like the sores on her lip than any acne that I have ever seen. The doctors said that the spots on her face could be some kind of reaction to the medication that she is taking now, so Amy and I are going to try giving her a little Bennedryl tomorrow to see what happens. I don't think it will do anything, but at least it will rule out the possibility of a reaction.

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