Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So Much for Getting Well

That cough that we mentioned in our last post has progressed in to something that sounds croupy, the ear infections never did go away with that last dose of Amoxicillin,  and we are back in the hospital. This time, we are at North Country Hospital with a fever of 103.2. Katie is feeling awful, but dealing with it well as usual.

Port access went very smoothly. North Country doesn't stock the types of access needles that Fletcher Allen uses with Katie's port so access has historically been difficult here. However, at our last visit to Fletcher Allen we were given several access needles to keep with us in case Katie needed to have her port accessed again at North Country. The nurse used one of the Fletcher Allen needles today and accessed Katie's port with great ease. It made a real difference.

The plan for right now at least is to wait for the results of a blood count, wait for the Ceftriaxone to finishing dripping through her IV, get some medication for her recurrent ear infections and go back home. Hopefully, this will be just another routine visit to the hospital.

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