Monday, August 3, 2009

Josh's Birthday

Happy Birthday, Joshua!

It is hard to believe that Joshua is now seven years old. He is nearly as tall as I am, and he is growing like a weed. He will begin second grade in August. He is growing up so fast. As I write, he is stretched out on the floor at my feet working on his summer homework. He really wants to be working on a Clone Wars coloring page. He is a curious mix of all grown up and little boy. I'm not sure I'm ready to part with the little boy just yet. What will I do when he no longer fits in my lap?

It was fun to host Joshua's birthday party yesterday. The horses were saddled and ready to go, but the rain started before we could ride, so the scavenger hunt was our only outside activity. We found enough to do inside, though, and I think the kids had a good time. It was a nice group. Our kids were tired at the end of the day, so this is a good day to catch up on errands and to get our chores done. The kids can play with Joshua's new toys while I get the house cleaned up and mow the lawn.

We are all excited about going to Boston tomorrow morning. When Rick and I sat down to list our planned activities for the rest of summer and to schedule them in, the calendar was nearly full. This will be a busy month. It is a joy to have this time to spend with our children. We are both tired, too, but we are making memories to sustain us through the long winter ahead.

For the record, I am very proud of my beautiful boy. He has dealt with the challenges of this last year and a half in his typically good natured way. He remains kind and affectionate. He has energy and enthusiasm to spare. He is learning and growing. He is healthy and happy. I love you, Joshua. Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

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Take care, Dennis